I'll stick my head over the parapet!
The motor appears to be a conventional two-wire DC Permanent Magnet type with two wires only, a red positive and a black negative wire. The motors input voltage is 0 to 220Vdc. A Brake and Tacho are optional extras, assume not fitted.
If so, many controllers available from ebay and Amazon such as this example. They all seem to be 220VAC rather than 240VAC but I'd risk it. Your responsibility, not mine!
Wiring is simple. Circuit diagram on the back. Red motor wire to + terminal, black to – terminal. Two other terminals for AC input taking Line and Neutral either way round. No earth. Two more terminals connect to a switch: I guess these are for an optional emergency off switch.
Parvalux have a Controllers section on their website but searching it doesn't identify any products. Their list of considerations suggests sophisticated control requirements well beyond what's needed on a home mill. The website comes across as an industrial supplier offering consultancy to major purchasers rather than one-off consumers. Possibly a retailer would offer more support to Joe Public.