No pussyfooting. Go at it. This is where experience helps. Chris above says he has lots of experience and no problems. So he probably either feeds by hand and knows how fast to go or uses power feed and knows what settings work. The earlier posts tell you about 0.1mm to 0.15mm per rev or about 0.004" to 0.006" per rev for inch based machines. Once you start to rub and not cut because you are not feeding fast and consistently you will blunt the edge of a HSS tool. This is easier on a machine with back gearing to slow the spindle and increase the torque because the tool is wide and can slow the spindle and even, as you have found, stall it if spindle torque is low. If the spindle starts to slow back off a bit to allow it to speed up again and not rub to tool. Then go back in at a reasonable rate.
Secondly part off as near the headstock as possible. If using a chuck as in your video the parting point should be as close as possible to the jaws, your example is some way away from the chuck. If you have to part off away from the headstock the much recommended rear tool post helps because its reaction forces push the workpiece and chuck down against the bearings where gravity has already seated the mass. The front cutting tool tries to lift everything and the long leverage away from the headstock helps this to occur. If you have a suitable steady you can fit near the parting off point this may help.
The parting off tool needs to be as short as possible and only stick out as far as is necessary to avoid sideways deflection.
If you have a top compound slide wind it back to reduce overhang as well. Try to ensure the cutting point is over a solid support and the top compound is not sticking out unsupported. This is important on smaller machines.
The clearance rake below the tool is very important when parting, more important than the top rake, since poor clearance will keep the cutting edge away from the workpiece and any wear of the cutting edge will do the same.
I've never tried 3 in 1 oil as a cutting oil so can't pass judgement on how well it works. I think it will be okay as I use RTD tapping and drilling oil when parting since it clings on to the metal better than watered down "soluble" cutting oil.
Get some plastic rod to practice on if you want to gain experience of feeding correctly without the issues of tool jamming or spindle stalling, progress to something easier like brass rod (expect flying bits of brass not curls) then practice on steel. You really don't want your first parting or grooving job to be on a real piece of work. There have been plenty of posts by people who have suddenly found they can part off once they have experience and confidence to feed in correctly.
Consistency from power feeding gives consistently good results, this is from parting off stainless steel.

Martin C
Edited By Martin Connelly on 08/07/2021 08:35:31