If you have a constant blow up the chimney both the regulator and the valve are probably letting past a little. Try a smear of engineers blue on the face of both and slide them across their relative port faces and see what marking you get. This will indicate if the valves are contacting the port faces properly. If you don't get good marking try blueing a flat surface such as part of the lathe bed, surface plate (even a small piece of plate glass) and rub the valves over, scrape gently any high spots until you get a good marking right across the surface, then reblue the valves and try again on the faces. You can address any high spots on the faces in the same way until you get good all over contact.
Failing that you can try lapping the two faces together with a mild abrasive (eucryl smokers toothpaste powder mixed in a slurry with water is a good mild abrasive). As its water based its easy to remove too.
On the globe valves 90 degree ones are reasonably easy to make, in line ones are a little more complicated as you need to drill the passages at an angle. I can't remember where I have seen drawings for them, you might find some on here with a search. Or you could try steam they do various sizes at reasonable prices and I have used a couple in the past that have worked fine.
You are getting there now! Won't be long before you can light up!
All the best,
Edited By Paul Kemp on 14/10/2019 23:37:42