And so, realisation slowly dawns that the smartphone and the internet that you thought were your obedient servants are, in fact, devious and duplicitous spies. Android and the Chrome browser exist to suck up as much information as practicable about the 'user' (slave would be a better word) and send it to Google. Then, of course, the sites you visit, harvest as much as they can (and do other, unknown, things), using cookies, scripts, tracker pixels, etc., etc. Unfortunately, the 'authorities' in several supposedly civilised and democratic countries have been shown to have little regard to the law, when it comes to data-harvesting and privacy. It's easy to find out some of this stuff, from reputable sources, if you think I'm just a prophet of doom and a crank.
Paranoia is entirely appropriate and is not just for the tin-foil hat wearers. Silicon Chip Magazine (Australia) has just run a two-part article entitled 'Big Brother is Tracking You!' 'Fraid some of the technical stuff is beyond me, but the message is clear enough. You can't even stop your smartphone from giving away your location when it's turned 'off' – because it certainly isn't off. We live in a very well-developed 'surveillance society' and your smartphone is the most powerful traitor, even though you welcome it into your home and take it everywhere with you.
Fortunately, there is some resistance available, such as VPNs and 'De-Googled Chromium', but the best thing to do with your smartphone is to throw it away, until secure operating systems can reliably be loaded in place of Android.