Ah! close – it’s an old tin of Trefolex. Seems to be lasting me forever – I bought it in 1982.
Thanks everyone for the compliments and kind words. For a non-technical person to paint a fairly accurate representation that passes muster with an expert audience is some achievement. It’s the type of painting that really appeals to me and I’ve been an admirer of the technical illustrations that adorned F.J. Camm’s ‘Camm’s Comics’ for many years. I’d love to own an original cover illustration. Similarly the technical subjects depicted in the Ladybird books.
We looked up ‘Ruby Lofthouse Screwing a Breech Ring’ and agreed that this is probably the ultimate in such work. The detail and accuracy are breathtaking. Of course, this led on to further research and admiration.
I do hope my wife is encouraged enough to continue along this line.