As Nicholas says, the 2-pack automotive paints are very robust and give good results when sprayed.
Whether you go for conventional enamel/alkyd resin or a 2-pack, it's a good idea to be careful about the use of high build primers. They can give a very flat finish with sanding, but the reason they are easy to sand is that they have a lot of talc filler and not much resin, so they chip easily. It doesn't matter how good the colour coat is, if the primer is thick and soft, the paint will chip.
The other thing is, whichever system you go for, it really can be a good idea to leave it alone for a month before putting the saw into use. Both 2-packs and alkyd resins do take a while to gain their ultimate hardness. Not so much of a problem with a car, but worth the wait for tools.
I discovered both of those after I rebuilt and repainted of my Hardinge HLV….
You should be able to get any RAL or BS standard colour mixed for a reasonable price.
If you are feeling cheap, use hammerite.