I do remember, in my previous employment, receiving 3 urgent packages, each a couple of days apart, necessitating a special delivery trip by our stores driver, well off his normal route.
My planner had ordered the items as urgent, but they weren't in stock when the bulk of the order arrived a couple of weeks previous. Each came in a re-usable plastic crocodile box about 12"x18"x24" and enclosed a packing slip.
First box had a 6mm bolt, second had a 6mm nut, third had a packing slip, but the washer had dropped out of the box.
They were the wrong size anyway; it was an imperial rack.
I never did understand the single items in the delivery, as all our nuts and bolts came in units of one box.
That in itself caused no end of problems with some planners, such as when I needed 500 12mm bolts and ended up with 500 boxes, rather than 5; they kept coming for weeks, as the warehouse got replenished. ( I couldn't cancel the order as it had been part delivered.)