Packaging stupidity!


Packaging stupidity!

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        I just had to share this.

        I bought online a 10ml Loctite bearing fit and this was what arrived!dscn2676.jpg

        Neil Wyatt

          I did better than that once:

          Outer cardboard box about two feet by 18 inches by a foot.

          Inside much bubble wrap

          Inner cardboard box.

          inside anticstatic plastic bag.

          Inside two plastic antistatic 'waffles' about 14 inches by 10 inches.

          Inside the waffle a single microchip just over a half-inch square.



            I think it's more the amount of packaging and yet the bottle is on an outside edge with no benefit from the packaging

            John Stevenson 1

              Contact them, show them the photo and tell them it's split as it at the outside of the box……………….wink

              Ian P

                I can see some logic in making the box or package large enough to take a big label (and be findable on the floor of a couriers truck) but these examples just show stupidity.

                I received a single 4 foot length of 3mm heatshrink sleeving recently. It came separately from the rest of a Farnell order and this item was sent from their depot in France. The packaging consisted of a 4" long cardboard tube about 3" diameter with a 6mm wall, extremely strong and quite a bit heavier than a Jiffy bag would have been.

                Ian P

                Jeff Dayman
                  Posted by John Stevenson on 24/08/2015 13:14:09:

                  Contact them, show them the photo and tell them it's split as it at the outside of the box……………….wink

                  If the material has not in fact spilled, your suggested statement would be attempted fraud. Not acceptable for a forum moderator or commercial venture operator to recommend this, even joking.

                  Gordon W

                    Don't get it stopped. All that cardboard is very useful, laying on the floor under the van, keeping rain off my workbench,etc. and it burns in the stove.

                      Posted by Jeff Dayman on 24/08/2015 13:45:45:

                      your suggested statement would be attempted fraud. Not acceptable for a forum moderator or commercial venture operator to recommend this, even joking.

                      **Facepalm – A blind man on a galloping horse can plainly see that he for one second he did not expect anyone to do that. ………………… Surely.?


                        Posted by Jeff Dayman on 24/08/2015 13:45:45:

                        Posted by John Stevenson on 24/08/2015 13:14:09:

                        Contact them, show them the photo and tell them it's split as it at the outside of the box……………….wink

                        If the material has not in fact spilled, your suggested statement would be attempted fraud. Not acceptable for a forum moderator or commercial venture operator to recommend this, even joking.

                        If you've been around this forum any length of time I think you would appreciate that our JS has a rather dry sense of humour, the wry smiley at the end of his statement says it all smile p

                        Neil Wyatt
                          Posted by Jeff Dayman on 24/08/2015 13:45:45:

                          Posted by John Stevenson on 24/08/2015 13:14:09:

                          Contact them, show them the photo and tell them it's split as it at the outside of the box……………….wink

                          If the material has not in fact spilled, your suggested statement would be attempted fraud. Not acceptable for a forum moderator or commercial venture operator to recommend this, even joking.

                          Lighten up Jeff, the smiley makes it clear it's in jest.

                          > a Farnell order

                          'nuf said.


                          Jesse Hancock 1

                            At first sight it looks absurd but it could be that the company has to deal with mice one minute and elephants the next. However packaging can be a complete bar-steward. Been there, done that.

                            PS: Neil, your lucky, chips normally come wrapped in greasey news paper.

                            Chris Bradbury

                              Chips in news paper, now there's a memory.

                              martin perman 1

                                My company is Italian and when they send packages to us with parts etc, sometimes by the pallet load, everything is packed in individual boxes including a couple of "dont stand" stickers which usually arrive in the bottom of cardboard boxes 12" x 12" x 4".

                                We regularly photograph the box and send to our parent company to complain as we pay for volume of pallet.

                                Martin P

                                nigel jones 5

                                  "If the material has not in fact spilled, your suggested statement would be attempted fraud. Not acceptable for a forum moderator or commercial venture operator to recommend this, even joking."

                                  There you have why this country is in the right state it is – people who think they have the right to tell you what you can and cannot do! In my opinion it is not only acceptible but should be thoroughly encouraged, its known as humour and anything other than a half baked ding bat can see it is. So that begs the question, why do people feel the need to point out the blatantly obvious if not to make themselves feel in someway superior – which they are not. I now expect a torrent of rubbish to follow which I guatantee I will not respond to. Rant Over!


                                    Can O/P tell us what cost was the P&P?

                                    Regards Ian

                                    Ref Fraud posting, the P is sounded as in rick.


                                      The actual Loctite was £7.39 with free p & p. Delivered by UPS.

                                      My post really was just for the amusement of all that something that could have easily gone in a Jiffy bag came by courier in a box of about 18" X 10" x 6" containing mainly air, some of which was in little bags full of yet more air.

                                      Must have cost the company to send this way.


                                        Packing done by people on minimum wage who don't understand the language enough to ask for a jiffy bag even if one of them does have a PhD from his home country. Why should they care?


                                          I do remember, in my previous employment, receiving 3 urgent packages, each a couple of days apart, necessitating a special delivery trip by our stores driver, well off his normal route.

                                          My planner had ordered the items as urgent, but they weren't in stock when the bulk of the order arrived a couple of weeks previous. Each came in a re-usable plastic crocodile box about 12"x18"x24" and enclosed a packing slip.

                                          First box had a 6mm bolt, second had a 6mm nut, third had a packing slip, but the washer had dropped out of the box. crying They were the wrong size anyway; it was an imperial rack.

                                          I never did understand the single items in the delivery, as all our nuts and bolts came in units of one box.

                                          That in itself caused no end of problems with some planners, such as when I needed 500 12mm bolts and ended up with 500 boxes, rather than 5; they kept coming for weeks, as the warehouse got replenished. ( I couldn't cancel the order as it had been part delivered.)

                                            Posted by Bazyle on 24/08/2015 20:41:27:

                                            Packing done by people on minimum wage who don't understand the language enough to ask for a jiffy bag even if one of them does have a PhD from his home country. Why should they care?

                                            Not strictly true (Well they may be on minimum wage) … most larger warehouses are computer controlled, so the system will tell the picker/packer to use a certain size box. The staff are told to do what the system tells them to do, they get disciplined if they don't.

                                            The company may only use 3 or 4 different box sizes, so if they mainly ship large trade orders or larger items the item will be packed into the smallest box they have.


                                            Dennis D

                                              I work in a car main dealer parts department and we get a lot of sundries from a large company that supply a lot of the garage trade in the country. Occasionally there will be a back order that does not come with the main delivery but in its own box with protection exactly as the OP shows. When we asked the rep next time he was in he said that the cost of replacing small deliveries put in jiffy bags that were then lost in the van was more than the cost of the packaging over the course of a year. When a company of this size buys its boxes they work out at pence each rather than the couple of quid we would pay at stationery supply shop.

                                              Sam Stones

                                                A strip of five large inflated plastic balloons completely filled the inside of this 2014 Xmas gift basket.

                                                Nothing to do with stupidity but clearly deliberate deception.

                                                Caveat emptor !!!


                                                Martin Kyte

                                                  re OP

                                                  Serves you right for only ordering one ! ! !




                                                    yes No ding bats from me!


                                                    Soaks up oil very efficiently as well, especially when stripping down car parts.

                                                    As for lying on some whilst working on a car, I much prefer to be comfortable and use GD's mattress she no longer needs

                                                    Amazon appear to have a set number of box sizes as I get stuff that has more filler than goods.

                                                    I've learned the hard lesson of NOT throwing stuff away, unless 'real' rubbish.

                                                    I've forgotten the number of times I needed something that ended up in the 'dust cart' a day or week previously.

                                                    Never as bad as the guy who obeyed his other half, when told to bin 'That useless old HDD' that contained a fortune in BitCoin. He woke up a few days later, but by then it was in landfill.

                                                    Geoff – i don't know what my reaction/s would have been

                                                    Ian S C

                                                      My sisters son in law got into the management of the stores department of a large electronics company based in Christchurch with a mission to save money. First job packaging, there were over one hundred sizes of boxes, he reduced that to about six, saving thousands. Next he took away all the credit cards, I think all department heads had one, plus quite a few others, that saved many thousands of dollars, people were buying personal stuff on the firms cards, and uneconomic buying of stuff for the firm.

                                                      Ian S C

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