Overseas Distribution to restart


Overseas Distribution to restart

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  • #38569
    Neil Wyatt
      Neil Wyatt

        Good News!

        I've received confirmation that MEW 295 will be mailed directly to overseas subscribers.

        Please be patient as it won't even be sent out for over a week, and distribution networks are still disrupted. Do allow plenty of time for it to arrive before worrying if it has gone astray.

        Thanks for your patience, overseas readers and I hope you have found the archive access useful.



          Neil, good news!

          Can you give us due warning when our access to the digital subscriber version will end please – mostly because I have been rationing myself and don't want to discover that there is something left unread!


          Neil Wyatt
            Posted by Simon0362 on 25/06/2020 15:07:15:

            Neil, good news!

            Can you give us due warning when our access to the digital subscriber version will end please – mostly because I have been rationing myself and don't want to discover that there is something left unread!


            Hi Simon,

            I don't think that it will be removed soon, but I haven't had any confirmation of the policy on this.



              That's great news. I look forward to receiving it again.

              I must get around to figuring out how to log into the digital copies before it's too late!

              Simon Collier

                How about ME?

                Neil Wyatt
                  Posted by Simon Collier on 27/06/2020 10:24:39:

                  How about ME?

                  I'm not sure exactly which issue and I don't want to risk misleading anyone, but it should be soon.


                  Peter Tucker

                    Hi Neil,

                    Great news that we will soon be receiving MEWs again, however you say the next one sent will be 295 as the last issue I have is 292 does this mean issues 293 and 294 will not be sent? I would hate to miss them!



                      Hi Neil,

                      I also received MEW number 292 and it was the last one I received.
                      And, like Peter, I want to know if I am not going to receive numbers 293 and 294 and, moreover, whether I will have to look for them and buy them somewhere.
                      Will I be able to buy them from MTM?

                      Best regards
                      Dias Costa


                        You will not be sent the missing issues, subscription has been extended so you will still be paying for the same number received.



                          In the 1980s I made a purchase for the first time from a supplier in England. I bought a set of propellers for boat models. At the time of purchase, the price was lower than the price in the catalog and also in the order, but without the dynamics that the WWW allows now, I only knew that the price of the propellers had dropped some shillings / pences (?) when I received the propellers, the invoice and a note asking me how I wanted to receive the difference and informing me that, to minimize that difference, the supplier had decided not to charge shipping costs. My admiration for the supplier grew and, at the time, I thought that, in general, all (?) English traders would behave similarly. I was then thirty years old and I took it as a lesson.

                          A few minutes ago I paid £ 16.89 for two issues of a magazine (293 and 294) that I had paid in advance.

                          P.S .: During the pandemic I continued to receive products purchased from England, from other suppliers, at no additional cost and with only slight delays.

                          Did not like.
                          Dias Costa

                          Michael Gilligan
                            Posted by dcosta on 20/07/2020 14:55:24:


                            A few minutes ago I paid £ 16.89 for two issues of a magazine (293 and 294) that I had paid in advance.


                            Did not like.
                            Dias Costa


                            I feel your pain, Dias !

                            Those of us who like paper copies of the magazine would obviously want a contiguous run of them !


                              Posted by Michael Gilligan on 20/07/2020 17:25:34:

                              Posted by dcosta on 20/07/2020 14:55:24:

                              I feel your pain, Dias !

                              Me too – I missed two issues (self inflicted failure) and ordered the back issues immediately, which was way back before the crisis and they have been on back order ever since.

                              Tim Stevens

                                It would be helpful to those who missed issues to make them available – if necessary in a digital form. Not doing this is surely a nonsense in a magazine series which relies very much on … to be continued

                                Example: No 295 page 36 – Part 3 of Desktop Gear Hobbing. What use is this without access to part 1 and part 2?

                                Regards, Tim


                                  Tim, all subscribers who did not get the mags were given free access to the digital versions plus the whole of the rest of the digital archive.


                                    Quite a lot ao people read the mags and fairly soon after dispose of them. Perhaps we can get the message out that there are some issues that people are missing and arrange for them to be sent around the world as required.

                                    I often think that people emigrating or hoidaying or shipping cars and furniture should use spare weight or volume to ship old ME copies abroad. I'd like to see old copies of the OZ version of ME, HSM from the USA and some other countries must have interesting magazines covering our field.

                                      Posted by JasonB on 20/07/2020 18:22:30:

                                      Tim, all subscribers who did not get the mags were given free access to the digital versions plus the whole of the rest of the digital archive.

                                      Jason, it would be VERY nice of you if you could explain in detail how we all, which miss MEW 293 and 294, can get access to these digital versions. Does somebody over there REALLY know that we didn't get them? At least I, as a 'paper' subscriber, have heard nothing from MTM. That they are unable to supply the missing paper issues is a shame. To the left from the 'Editor's Bench' there is a tel. nr. and website for 'current and back numbers'. Is that futile?

                                      A bit miffed greetings,

                                      Neil Wyatt
                                        Posted by Versaboss on 20/07/2020 22:58:14:

                                        Posted by JasonB on 20/07/2020 18:22:30:

                                        Tim, all subscribers who did not get the mags were given free access to the digital versions plus the whole of the rest of the digital archive.

                                        Jason, it would be VERY nice of you if you could explain in detail how we all, which miss MEW 293 and 294, can get access to these digital versions. Does somebody over there REALLY know that we didn't get them? At least I, as a 'paper' subscriber, have heard nothing from MTM. That they are unable to supply the missing paper issues is a shame. To the left from the 'Editor's Bench' there is a tel. nr. and website for 'current and back numbers'. Is that futile?

                                        A bit miffed greetings,

                                        Hi Hans,

                                        You would have been contacted by email a few months ago.

                                        As yours subs number is already in your profile, just click 'magazines' on the green stripe at the top of the page.

                                        You may need to install/enable a flash player to see older issues.


                                        P.S. Please drop me an email about back issues.

                                        Edited By Neil Wyatt on 21/07/2020 01:54:34


                                          Apart from not receiving the subscribed issues, the main problem here seems to have been a distinct lack of clarity as to what the publishers were proposing to do with respect to the missing issues. The April email was certainly not clear in this respect and subsequent discussion in the forum has also been vague.

                                          If fact the comment by Jason ( and it is certainly not his responsibility to do so ) is the first unambiguous statement I have seen. The responsibility here lies with the publishers.

                                          With respect to the digital access ( for which I have already paid and only use for looking up individual articles ) I really dislike using it and would be much happier if I could have received pdf files for the missing issues which I could have printed ( potentially professionally ) in whatever format suited me so that I would have my preferred hard copies to read at my leisure.

                                          Hopefully MEW 295 will be arriving soon – possibly on the next tea clipper.


                                          intensely dislike

                                          Danny M2Z

                                            Thanks Neil for hanging in there during this serious disruption and thanks to your publishers and distributors for doing their best in 2020. A year that shall remain in history!

                                            Jan B

                                              Received my first issue of ME number 4642 here in Sweden since Covid started yesterday.

                                              I still don’t know how to get access to the digital copies. A friend told me he had to call subscription office in UK to be able to get his access. He is very god at computers and tried to help me but failed. It will not be the end of the world if I don´t get an access, I am happy ME is back. I have had a subscription since 1974 and still enjoy every copy.

                                              Stay safe and let’s hope we will be back to normal conditions soon.


                                              Neil Wyatt
                                                Posted by Jan B on 21/07/2020 18:42:09:

                                                Received my first issue of ME number 4642 here in Sweden since Covid started yesterday.

                                                I still don’t know how to get access to the digital copies. A friend told me he had to call subscription office in UK to be able to get his access. He is very god at computers and tried to help me but failed. It will not be the end of the world if I don´t get an access, I am happy ME is back. I have had a subscription since 1974 and still enjoy every copy.

                                                Stay safe and let’s hope we will be back to normal conditions soon.


                                                Hello Jan,

                                                The subscription number in your profile expired in 2017.

                                                You need to update your profile with your current subscription number.

                                                You will then be able to access the archive by clicking 'magazines' on the green band at the top of the page.

                                                You may need to install or enable a flash player.

                                                If you are concerned about missing issues leaving you with an incomplete collection, email me as we may be able to sort something out for you.



                                                Neil Wyatt
                                                  Posted by Versaboss on 20/07/2020 22:58:14:

                                                  Posted by JasonB on 20/07/2020 18:22:30:

                                                  Tim, all subscribers who did not get the mags were given free access to the digital versions plus the whole of the rest of the digital archive.

                                                  Jason, it would be VERY nice of you if you could explain in detail how we all, which miss MEW 293 and 294, can get access to these digital versions. Does somebody over there REALLY know that we didn't get them? At least I, as a 'paper' subscriber, have heard nothing from MTM. That they are unable to supply the missing paper issues is a shame. To the left from the 'Editor's Bench' there is a tel. nr. and website for 'current and back numbers'. Is that futile?

                                                  A bit miffed greetings,

                                                  Hello Hans,

                                                  You should have received an email message explaining the situation; basically our worldwide distribution system was completely suspended.

                                                  We have been trying to do our best under very difficult circumstances. The magazine industry in the UK has seen lots of job losses and titles failing completely due to Covid-19 – Q Magazine will have its last issue soon, for example, so I am grateful that we still have a magazine to produce.

                                                  Our default position is to suspend subscriptions and extend them so you get the same number of copies, because of the complexity of dealing with thousands of individual subscribers across many countries, all with different circumstance.

                                                  If you are very concerned about missing issues leaving you with an incomplete collection, email me as we may be able to sort something out for you.



                                                  John Olsen

                                                    I'm a bit miffed by the whole thing too, my ME collection is now complete from WWII up to a couple of months back. I just received 4642, the last one before that being 4635. So I am missing 6 of them, one of them including an article I wrote. I can tell you that they did better during World War 2, despite the ME office being bombed out and ships being torpedoed. As you might imagine, magazines were not a priority cargo at the time, and yet most of them made it out here, 12000 miles away.

                                                    During the lock down, I made a few mail orders over Ebay, they have made it all here, apart from one where the Chinese supplier found they were unable to ship the item and refunded me immediately. Ok, there were delays, but international shipping did continue to work. I don't see why the magazines could not have been put aside after printing, and delivered later when things settled down. As it is, we are now faced with trying to get hold of back issues, which are liable to be in short supply.


                                                    Tony Watson 5

                                                      Neil, can you please advise if copies of MEW 283 and 284 were sent to Australia for distribution by local newsagents.



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