The postal system in the UK is to say the least chaos I find on a good day it takes about a week to deliver a letter and then from someone down the road who says Hi is this your mail!
As for the free gift I asked at the ME ect; stand at an exhibition and was told this was for new subscribers and not for ones renewing .
On a commercial basis this makes sense as it would cost them a bomb to give a freeby to everyone each year, this is a sweetener to encourage people to start subscribing.
Then if it happened you would see the sub’s go up at least an extra £2.00 per issue.
Our club the BSMEE which is over 100 years young has ME from issue 1 in its library, and as have been building a Class B1 been borrowing volumes and I have to say the content is today far more varied than it was then.
I agree with the critic who say that adverts should not be in an editorial and if so clearly marked in the header “ADVERT” this is normal practise and indicates that it is NOT an editorial reccomendation.
So David keep up the good work
