Dear very helpful people,
I started to reply to individuals not being used to this sort of thing. perhaps being born in 1935 has something to do with it.
I am absolutely amazed at the number of people offering to help. And again the vast variety of suggested solutions.
I really aught to go and sit in the corner and try to digest it all.
Are you all single people having no one saying " shall we go and do the shopping now ? "
Should I suggest driving lessons. Perhaps not, we all need to keep safe.
I might have taken pics of he set up and maybe the problem if only I can remember how to post them. I will have a look.
Michael Gilligan's link shows the electric winding set up but not very clearly
Because this problem seemed to be one that I was not going to solve. I have started to alter the clock to hand wind. But will certainly reinstate the electric winding as soon as possible.
Many thanks to all who are trying to help and the mind boggles when you consider the vast number of people who are actually looking and perhaps not taking part.
Stephen ( Old Spice )