Posted by Graham Meek on 12/03/2022 13:18:24:
Posted by Graham Meek on 30/11/2021 17:29:57:
I would have thought they knew who you are, especially if you tax your vehicle with them.
However it does not bode well for me as I will have to jump through the same hoops next May. For a start I do not have a valid passport. Then there is the paper driving license that I hold, they have probably not even logged those numbers into the computer.
It seems I was tempting fate with my above remarks.
I am now 21 days inside my 90 day notification period and as yet no reminder.
A week ago I contacted the CEO of the DVLA. It was a simple enquiry as to when I would receive my reminder. When I did not receive any form of a response I filled in an on-line Complaint a few days later. Which has now become a "Case". It looks like there is a judge and jury involved from this remark.
Considering the machine that sends out the reminders only needs to be fed paper and envelopes. I cannot quite see how their on-line blurb of an excuse, that Covid is to blame . Or may be their other excuse of industrial action is nearer the mark, and someone has really thrown a spanner in the works.
Personally I do not see me getting a reminder and I will have to go for Plan B. Get a form D1 from the Post Office and do it that way.
Anyone else inside their 90 day notification period?
All explained on the web and in the press Graham.
COVID caused major problems at the DVLA, who normally have 8000 staff concentrated in an office block in Swansea. Space limitations caused severe difficulties when the 2m rule and other COVID restrictions were applied. Got worse when staff felt management weren't doing enough and there were four or five strikes last year, not helped by government turning down a deal after it had been agreed. Last figures showed 500 staff in the building and 2000 working from home, which is a severe problem.
Running at a staff shortage of nearly 70% whilst prioritising HGV Drivers and Health Workers has resulted in a queue of about 1,000,000 license changes.
It's claimed DVLA's online services weren't badly disrupted, so anyone doing a vanilla online change is OK. Unfortunately anything requiring human intervention is subject to long delays because a huge queue has built up and not many people have been able to work on it.
DVLA's advice here – especially 'Can I drive while my application is with DVLA'. The only difficult condition is 'Your doctor must have told you that you are fit to drive.' Eeek! – my surgery also has long queues due to COVID…
These are not normal times!