Back again. The electrons supplied by Scottish power were well up to their usual standard. Just took me a bit of time to upload photies on this not very intuitive site. Photies should be loaded into album called outdoor shelter
Thing is with these shelters you have to adopt and be ingenious. For poles any lengths of timber will do (used branches for my sieving shelter ) just knock a nail in the end and cut off the head and if you want, one in the other end to go thro a tarpaulin eyelet. For the one pictured I just hammered a bit of dexion into the crack between adjacent concrete slabs , but on earth or gravel a nail will do and on concrete u can drill a small ,easily refilled hole in the concrete.
The one pictured was hastily knocked up because having bought a couple of diggers recently (Two ? Well as I said to my 4 year old grandson “You want one ,don’t you ?) I needed a shelter until I build a permanent home. The cord running along the tarp edge (hard or impossible to see) is fixed by pushing a bight thro the eyelet and then just passing the free length of cord thro the bight, a very quick process if ,as always when lashing, you keep the free rope in a compact bundle to avoid having to pull the lot thro every time (watch a seaman or lorry driver ,if u can find one who still has to lash loads). Its also easy to make final adjustments.
It is better to have a bit more lean on the supports (I was constrained by space) and this time I’ve had to lean an old wheel and a digger bucket against the posts to keep the posts leaning out and tension on the canvas.You also need a centre support to keep a slope to the “roof” to stop water pooling on the roof.
This one took 3 cup hooks, some thinnish rope (easier to get thro the eyelets), a few screws to attach the posts to the dexion, a couple of bits of dexion, 2 or 3 nails ,and the tarpaulin. It went up in an hour on a gusty day. I gather it is already attracting envious comments from passing airline passengers who think I can afford a swimming pool.
Edited By alan frost on 15/08/2011 17:18:49