Posted by Journeyman on 28/02/2018 12:23:17:
Posted by Hopper on 28/02/2018 12:12:36:
The website is free and we get more than what we pay for.
I would actually dispute that. A website is surely these days a primary means of advertising and a source of income. A properly designiged and updated website will generate income from advertising and of course encourage people to purchase magazines or on-line subscriptions. MTM most definitely do not provide the website out of the kindness of their hearts! Also I would of thought that as MTM has many websites a full time editor/web designer would not be out of the question. Failure to provide a good on-line experience these days is a recipe for failure, look no further than Maplin in another recent thread.
Yes, websites are a source of income, but not very much. Pennies per hundred clicks. Most of the money is still in print advertising. Look at all the newspapers and magazines that have gone out of business in the past decade, and they are legion. Every one of them had a website. Once they lost their print advertising revenue, game over.
The magazines and newspapers with good websites are the ones that are making enough money from their print product to finance their web presence. Ten years ago they were all talking about how they were going to become big players on the web and that was their future. Never happened.
And now, Google and Facebook are getting 85 per cent of all new online advertising spend, due to their personalized targeted ad strategies etc. So its only a matter of time before 85 per cent of all online revenue goes to those two giants. The future of other websites as a revenue source is not looking much better than what newspapers and magazines have seen in the past decade.
Edited By Hopper on 28/02/2018 12:50:17