Thanks for replies – too many to respond to individually, but all appreciated and I've followed up on suggestions..
I was asking about 'kits' (in the sense of DIY soldering etc) because I thought they were the only alternatives to 'proper' bench scopes. Much as I'd like a proper scope, I can't justify the cost for what I do.
From the discussion it seems that there is a middle ground – pico etc. But for the mo it seems that the KKmoon offering that Neil recommended will do what I want for not much money.
Duncan – many thanks for your kind offer. Your old pico may well be good enough for what I need to do. I'm typing on an ancient computer with a parallel port! All my ancient computers run Linux though – maybe that would be a problem. I'll PM you.
Les – thanks for your post giving data on the various protocols used by different manufacturers – it should be made a sticky.