I should have mentioned that the Optmum BF16 Vario is a Milling Machine, its the smallest that Optimum make and has variable speed control.
I realise most Mill's of this size are made in China, this one is made right here in Europe, so the the confusion is not unusual.
Well i did say looked through, to read them all properly would have taken too long, be assured i have looked through numbers 202 to 216 inclusive i did say all.
Who needs an excuse thats what MEW is for to get ideas when you need them
As of number 217 i can read them direct and not over the internet.
You could have told me that sooner and divulge the details, i would have appreciated that very much.
As it happens i'm going to use the Peter Wilson idea from MEW 201 April 2013.
PS. i have made notes of all interesting projects 98 in all.