Online subscription renewal


Online subscription renewal

Home Forums Model Engineer & Workshop Online subscription renewal

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  • #72556
    Richard Palmer 1
      Hi Dave,
      Tried to renew online today. All went well until I reached the part of the sequence where the offer is made to change details.
      There’s no way forward from there. Just a Change Details button at the bottom of the page.
      Richard Palmer 1

        Couldn’t proceed past details change

        David Clark 13
          Hi Richard
          Are you using an up to date web address.
          If the relevant offer has expired, it goes nowhere as you found.
          regards David

          Geoff Thomas
            I would draw your attention to a short thread I started on 12/3/2010 entitled “Renewing Subscriptions”. Your answer may be there. The mills grind slowly in the My Hobby Store domain. Maybe in another decade or two we’ll get a properly designed re-subscription page.
            Good luck!
              Before we get a redesigned subscription page, my vote for No1 Improvement would be a Search that included the content of the posts rather than being able to search on in Thread Title only.
              There is lots of good information buried away in past posts…. but finding it is pretty much impossible. Being able to search within posts is a standard feature of most (if not all) other Forums I have used. Search restricted to Thread Title only is generally as useful as a chocolate fire guard.
              Richard Palmer 1
                Geoff and Dave,
                You were both right.
                I originally followed the subscribe / renewal / rest of world links from the model-engineer website. As Dave says the offer there (V153) seems to have expired.
                When I followed the link in the renewal **letter** (bold would be nice Dave), I managed to re-subscribe with no further worries.
                I hope you haven’t lost too many subscriptions with people getting caught in the trap and simply losing heart.
                Anyway, Mischief Managed! (Happily resubscribed now)
                Thanks to you both for the rapid and helpful responses.
                David Clark 13
                  Hi There
                  We tried the search of all posts.
                  It bought up too many so was dropped.
                  regards David
                    Posted by David Clark 1 on 28/07/2011 10:25:05:

                    Hi There
                    We tried the search of all posts.
                    It bought up too many so was dropped.
                    regards David
                    That is why most other forums have an “advance” search facility, so that the serach terms can be refined with additional and/or conditional search criteria.
                    Tis a pity as there is a goldmine of really useful information buried in this forum, but no adeqate tools to mine them with.

                      I can´t relize how I´ll find the page to see, that my renewal has been succesfull (I got a new reminding, that my order has to be renewed. I think, I´ve done it already…how to check it?)


                      David Clark 13

                        H Pekka

                        Email me your last name and subscription number and I can check it or get it checked.


                        Do not post it on here.

                        Richard Marks


                          I know you are trying your best to keep this magazine going and I am sure that everybody appreciates this, but it would help (especially me) if you could make renewing subscriptions easier, I received my renewal form and as the phone lines are not open on sunday I proceeded onto the online option, after spending 10 minutes chasing around the Model Engineer site I noticed the subscriptions address halfway down the page, this helped considerably until I was informed that this offer had expired, I then found the current source code tucked away like a naughty boy down in the right hand corner of the renewal sheet. Can I ask you to make it clearer on the renewal notice letter ( because that in effect is what it is ) the subscription renewal site address and the source code, the last time I renewed was over the phone and it took just 2 minutes and was easily done.


                          David Clark 13

                            Hi Richard

                            I have forwarded your comments to the subscription manager.

                            regards David

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