I bought a second hand Omron Varidrive V7 frequency drive, and wanted to hook up an external potentiometer.
The online manual is very technical, and not written in a very accessible language, but i have found out that i have to connect the pot to three terminals. FP (frequency reference power supply- 12v 20ma), FR (frequency reference input 0-10v 20ohm impedance) and FC (0v common).
Since i'm out of my element, i'm bit confused that the FP terminal supplies 12v, but the FR terminal uses 0 to 10v as reference voltage to regulate the frequency.
They call for a 2K-ohm pot at 1/4w minimum as the analog regulator, so should i put a 500 ohm resistor in series with the pot, at the 12v side, to limit the voltage to 10v? (i don't even know if my maths is right, or really what i'm talking about )
The diagrams don't show this – only the 2K pot, but the descriptions are very vague, so supposedly this is something i should know in advance, but i don't .
On many of their other drives the reference power supply is 10v, but not on the V7 series.
I'm not good at this, and all i want to do is have a knob that can regulate the speed of my machine, without having to get a degree in electrical engineering .