Mmm, only decent way is to have a schematic of sorts, or a parts list, or as a last resort, to try trace out a bit of the schematic from the PCB layout, to see where those caps fit into the scheme of things..
They are in parallel, and might be a snubber across some spiky voltage, or they may be across the incoming AC mains, as part of an EMC filter, etc, etc,…until you have some idea of where they fit, its a nogo.
Even if someone out there has an identical unit and can open it to see for you, those caps are SMD and they will NOT have values marked on them.
However, even if you find what they are, I strongly suspect they will be a few more blown bits aside from those caps!
SMD ceramic caps generally blow due to – mechanical internal short, due to either poor quality cap or the PCB flexing and micro-cracks develop; over-voltage; or way to high ripple current. If any of the latter two, then I am sure some more bits also are blown..
From the PCB tracking, it does seem they are on the mains input or rectified DC output side – try to trace out the interconnections around them, also give some photos of the other side of the board in that area, so we can see what other parts are in the vicinity.