The base does not look as if originally made for the lathe even if on this lathe from new. It might have come from a small milling-machine. That raising block – is it a casting? It looks like a piece of angle or Z-section found for the purpose.
What do the isolated nuts and bolts in the base hold?
Oh, probably commercially-made parts but the headstock doesn't seem quite to match in style to the saddle and tailstock. I wonder if it came from a different source; or perhaps the same manufacturer but a different model.
Intriguing and rather pretty little machine anyway, and it would be good to see it all bright and serviceable again, even if just for small items of wood-turning or brass-work by hand.
It was probably driven by treadle originally, possibly the type advertised as a "foot-motor" when sold as a stock item for driving any small machine.