Hello All,
It may well be that you have had similar threads before but its not much use if you cannot supply the answer to my origional question without sniping.
I asked for an answer as to where I could obtain the correct oil for my machine, I know what the correct oil is, but that is of no use if I cannot obtain it
From the answers above it is obvious that other people have the same problem and have to resort to using whatever they can get their hands on.
Likewise, an article in the Mag. does not help me at all because I know what Oil I need but just cannot obtain it.
Someone out there must have been able to obtain oil of the correct type and correct amount for amateur use, ie in small quantities, but they are seemingly not willing to pass on the information.
It looks like there is a good business opportunity here for someone to start supplying oils of all types in small quantities .
As regards to the question of duplicated requests for information, could the moderator perhaps sort out some sort of index so that people can go straight to a subject without trawling through all the various lists which can involve reading thousands of posts?