Posted by Roger Quaintance on 04/03/2022 14:38:14:
Posted by martin perman on 04/03/2022 07:40:54:
Grizzly, good to know there are other cack handed types out there
, I've started watching the video and am envying his abilities.
Martin P
I am a lefty as well ha ha, we seem to have A Rash of them. …
My blister is left-handed and manages well enough apart from scissors. But I'm wondering – how awkward is it for lefties to work in a right-handed workshop – my pillar drill, milling machine, and belt-sander all assume right-handed operators.
Is there any value is owning a left-handed lathe:

Why is it all cultures have considered left-handedness to be anti-social since time immemorial? In arabic šimāl means both "left hand" and "bad omen", while English is full of disparaging words like sinister, maladroit, and gauch. Right-handers get a much better press. Even the bible mentions 'the right hand of God'.
Alas humanity! We're capable of making others miserable because of ignorance, prejudice and mob behaviour. Shame on us all.