The form asks for one's TIN (Tax Identifier Number) and gives 4 optional answers as to why form -filler hasn't got one. It also refers to a UTR ( Unique Tax Reference) and CRS ( Common Reporting Standard), also FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act), FFI (Foreign Financial Institution).
All the abbreviated jargon from the financial trade. Easily cut through because the UK doesn't issue TINs. No need as every resident child reaching 16 years of age is automatically issued with a NINO (National Insurance Number) and HMRC issue their own UTR. There are 3 identical parts to the form so each part can be filled in with personal details of a club's Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. If they're UK resident and possess no foreign bank accounts, they can use option 'A' from the 4. This is the one that says The Country of Tax Residency does not issue TINs. I expect that the foregoing would floor many attempting to fill in that form.
The rest is easy, Q1 name and operating address of club followed by that of Treasurer's. Q2 is the Entity country of Tax Residency = UK. Part 3 is FATCA Classification, 3a are you incorporated or organised in the United States? No, move to 3c, is the Entity an FFI? No, move to3f, NFFE (Non Financial Foreign Entity), 3f(1v) NPO( Non Profit Organisation.Move to Part 4 CRS Classification, 4a Is the entity anFI? No, move to 4b (V) NPO (Non Profit Organisation), Go to Part 6, Authorised Signature, date, inprint full name, Capacity of signatory.
Job done! But keep a copy as there is the threat of this nonsense annually, to ascertain changes. HTH any Treasurer confronted with the same form.
One can see this is USA in origin and a scatter gun approach to deal with money laundering.
Edited By DMB on 07/09/2022 00:12:21