

Home Forums Website Announcements *Oct 2023: FORUM MIGRATION TIMELINE*

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  • #662431

      Good morning,

      This week we will be switching the website and forum from its current server and technology to a modern, mobile friendly platform.

      The timeline is as follows:

      05/10/23 8am BST – Current site to go offline and a holding page put up.

      10/10/23 9am – Moderators given access to new site for checking.

      12/10/23 10am – New site online – All being well this will happen before this date.

      We will post updates here:


      Please bookmark that page now before this forum goes offline.

      When the new site goes live, you will need to log in with your email address and password. If that doesn't work you can do a password reset.

      If you don't have access to the email address on your account here, you should change it before Thursday or you may be locked out.

      Thanks for your support and patience


          …cue JAWS music…

          Edited By Ady1 on 02/10/2023 12:56:41

            Posted by Ady1 on 02/10/2023 12:53:09:

            …cue JAWS music…

            Edited By Ady1 on 02/10/2023 12:56:41

            Yeah, that or this!


              The new dawn is imminent! Strap in and prepare for launch. Please read Darren's first post.



                Exciting, good luck with the inevitable gremlins!

                duncan webster 1

                  If you don't have access to the email address on your account here, you should change it before Thursday or you may be locked out.

                  you might understand this, I don't. Explain please


                    There may be those who have been members for many years and signed up with an e-mail that they no longer use or can access. So if you are going to need a new password sending to you it would be best if you can open th ee-mail it is sent to.

                    If you go to settings and then "My Account" you will be able to see which e-mail the forum is usng for you

                    You can also set a new password there if you can't remember your current one as password ssaved on your device may no longer work on the new system.

                    old mart

                      Best of luck for a smooth transition moderators and IT guys.

                      duncan webster 1
                        Posted by JasonB on 02/10/2023 18:18:47:

                        There may be those who have been members for many years and signed up with an e-mail that they no longer use or can access. So if you are going to need a new password sending to you it would be best if you can open th ee-mail it is sent to.

                        If you go to settings and then "My Account" you will be able to see which e-mail the forum is usng for you

                        You can also set a new password there if you can't remember your current one as password ssaved on your device may no longer work on the new system.

                        Thanks, understood

                        Howard Lewis

                          A week without the Forum!

                          WHAT a deprivation!

                          But it will be worth the wait


                          Bob Unitt 1

                            Is the forum URL staying the same ?


                            Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 03/10/2023 11:21:44


                              I hope you think so Howardsecret

                              We have been using a Mortons URL for testing but I think the existing one is likely to be used as it easy to search but passwords remembered in your device may not carry forward.

                              One other thought, classifieds will not carry over so if you have typed a long description for an item then copy it so you can past it into a new classified.


                                You may see a few new topics and posts under those topics in the next day as a couple of things want setting up before this site is closed. Please just ignor them, most likely to be locked anyway.


                                  Having gone through this sort of migration on forums before whilst being a member of staff I strongly advise all mods and admins to get a good nights sleep tomorrow night as you're not likely to get another one for a few weeks. surprise

                                  Good luck with the migration, see you on the other side. laugh


                                    If you have been active on the forum in the last 12 months you should have got an e-mail earlier today saying much the same as darrens Opening Post, check your spam or promotion sfolder sif you have not seen it, If not there then make sure you are using the same correct e-mail on the forum as you currently use to check your mail.

                                      Posted by Darren H on 02/10/2023 11:57:28

                                      05/10/23 8am BST – Current site to go offline and a holding page put up.

                                      12/10/23 10am – New site online – All being well this will happen before this date.

                                      Wow. This made me smile or perhaps I should say wince. If migration plans for the systems I work with involved an outage to end users of up to 7 days…. Let's just say I wouldn't still have a job! wink


                                      Mark Rand
                                        Posted by Andy_H on 03/10/2023 21:02:02:

                                        Wow. This made me smile or perhaps I should say wince. If migration plans for the systems I work with involved an outage to end users of up to 7 days…. Let's just say I wouldn't still have a job! wink


                                        Yes, but the difference is that our users (or their bosses) were paying us!

                                        Edited By Mark Rand on 04/10/2023 00:52:56

                                          Posted by Mark Rand on 04/10/2023 00:52:27:

                                          Posted by Andy_H on 03/10/2023 21:02:02:

                                          Wow. This made me smile or perhaps I should say wince. If migration plans for the systems I work with involved an outage to end users of up to 7 days…. Let's just say I wouldn't still have a job! wink


                                          Yes, but the difference is that our users (or their bosses) were paying us!

                                          Edited By Mark Rand on 04/10/2023 00:52:56

                                          Your reply turns my wince into an embarrassed grimace. That's a very relevant differentiator! I did realise the IT side of this site was all run on a voluntary basis.



                                            I've started a thread on MECH as a last chance for anyone unable to get into the new site to make contact.

                                            I can also be found on MEM forum and less so on HMEM

                                            Edited By JasonB on 04/10/2023 09:01:13


                                              As a bit of guidance for when you first get access to the new forum rather than rushing in and getting stuck can we ask that you please read the quite extensive "Help" section. This can be accessed from the green bar where I have circled below as well as a couple of other red buttons that will appear with "Help/FAQs" which takes you to the list shown below. You won't get the orange bar (that is for Mods) and the list of help items is a lot longer.

                                              Not only will this help you get set up on the new forum but will help the long suffering Mods by saving us having to repeatedly answer basic questions that are covered on the help page. Remember some of your most active Moderators do it for Free and have limited time to spend on the forum so help us by helping yourselves. That way we can concentrate on sorting genuine questions and bug which are a higher priority. Also you will see I have set up some topics (new name for threads) for you to try things out and others for question sand comments try to use these rather than start a whole load of new topics that will be hard for the Mods to keep track of. These will be right at the top of the forum headings.

                                              help me.jpg

                                              Edited By JasonB on 04/10/2023 09:18:57


                                                I'll see you all on the other side

                                                Now all hold hands, close your eyes, and concentrate very hard…

                                                  Posted by Ady1 on 04/10/2023 09:45:46:

                                                  I'll see you all on the other side

                                                  Now all hold hands, close your eyes, and concentrate very hard…

                                                  …………….Then Jump off the cliff

                                                  Michael Gilligan

                                                    Posted by JasonB on 04/10/2023 09:14:17:


                                                    […] Also you will see I have set up some topics (new name for threads)


                                                    One small step for Man … yes



                                                    [ clipped from a recent thread on Grammar ]

                                                      Posted by JasonB on 04/10/2023 09:48:23:

                                                      Posted by Ady1 on 04/10/2023 09:45:46:

                                                      I'll see you all on the other side

                                                      Now all hold hands, close your eyes, and concentrate very hard…

                                                      …………….Then Jump off the cliff

                                                      I'm suffering from first night nerves! Problem is a large number of bugs and functional issues were identified, and although believed fixed, circumstances conspired to prevent them being retested before launch.

                                                      The risk something important is still broken is higher than I care for, but I'm a nervous bunny. Fellow IT-professionals will know how Ass got into Assurance!

                                                      Option A: it will be alright on the night.

                                                      Option B: if it can go wrong it will.

                                                      Be OK provided members all sacrifice their first born…



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