Typing a contribution to another thread, my big fat fingers hit some unknown-key combination that shrank the message screen in such a way only part of it was visible.
I managed to pull it back to near original size but it's revealed a curious system tool-bar above the forum pane itself.
Its tabs are –
– "Responsive", which opens a long index of instruments by make and model (Galaxy, Samsung, etc.)
– Size by pixels (1666 X 800) at the moment.
– A symbol for what I found is a Viewport rotator.
– DPR: number. 1 to 3. It's presently on 1.
– No Throttling, This seems to be a menu of portable phomne networkl settings such as "Good 2G", "regular 3G" and so on.
– Finally a blue finger on a button, presumably for Smurfs (it's actually a Touch Simulator on/off control).
Never seen any of these previously, but Gates Towers had another trick up its sleeve, new to me, in that locating the cursor by a click changes it from a little "I" to a sizeable blue tear-drop shape. That turns off as soon as you press a key.
I have no idea what I had pressed by mistake. Sometimes I feel like putting a rigid steel cover over those hazardous keys on the left – I'm forever inadvertently turning CapS LOCK On, often not noticing it for several words. (I have never mastered touch-typing.)
I ought add that there are two keys in that corner, of purpose unknown to me: one with a blue "Fn" label, another with the Windows trade-mark. I might have pressed on of those, perhaps?
So what the heck have I been and gone and done now?