The dishonesty of the main stream media is basically malpractice.
A story today mentions "…….in an attempt to force doctors to give her Ivermectin, a de-wormer".
The narrative that the MSM writes over and over is that Ivermectin is a horse dewormer.
But the truth (and fact that you will never read in the mainstream media) is that the folks who invented Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize for it, for use in humans, not horses, and it is on the list of the World Health Organization List of Essential Medicines (for humans).
Only a naive person would believe that any medicine can only be used for one discovered purpose, and only be used either on animals or humans, but not both.
I know that even if Ivermectin is proven beyond any shadow of a doubt by science to be an effective treatment for COVID, many would never accept that. Why is that?
And I know many who are vax'ed who hope that I and other un-vaxed die just so their point can be proven (that only the vax works).
Its not about saving lives, or treating disease, it is about being right, and insisting in forcing your vision of what is right on everyone else in society. It is a pathological thing in my opinion.
I personally hope that both the vax'ed and unvax'ed people all remain healthy and survive this thing called COVID.
I wish no ill feelings or harm on anyone else, regardless.
Can others make this statement with a clear conscience?
Edited By PatJ on 17/11/2021 00:18:13