I think you're over-analysing the situation
Anyone taking up the hobby has to jump over a whole bunch of hurdles and acquire experience in various disciplines before deciding on taking a specific project and is well aware that there will be more unexpected hurdles to overcome before success is achieved
Model engineering is a hobby which is a challenge from day one
If you don't thrive on solving real world problems and challenges you definitely won't make it in the hobby anyway
The biggest problem for the hobby now is government muppets:
Diesel fuel restrictions for model engines
Not allowed into scrapyards for access to cheap materials
Boiler regulation issues
These problems are almost impossible to overcome because they are laws
A few errors on a plan are the least of the hobbys problems
The first thing you have to consider is:
Am I allowed to do that and how do I get around the legal barriers
I got a whole bunch of gear and plans together before discovering that model engine diesel fuel is virtually impossible to acquire because of government morons
Project now abandoned
Will revisit if I can acquire any fuel.
Other projects have been abandoned because of the recent Scrapyard laws.
Big chunks of steel from a dealer aren't cheap, scrapyards were great for acquiring cheap metal, chopping it up…making a hash of it and getting more materials cheap for having another go
…problems with plans never came into it… problems with plans were the least of my problems
Edited By Ady1 on 11/05/2012 08:09:36