Northumbrian Frames are wrong!


Northumbrian Frames are wrong!

Home Forums Locomotives Northumbrian Frames are wrong!

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  • #42812
      I have just discovered on a different section of this site that it has been confirmed that the drawings for the frames were indeed wrong and anyone who has made them to the existing drawings is faced with a fresh start.
      My thanks in particular to JasonB who has helped so much in sorting out this problem No way could I have argued the case in the knowledgable way you did Jason.
      I am adding this thread to inform others who perhaps like me have been making daily visits to this section hoping for a reply when the discussion has been raging on in the Model Engineer section.
          See here for the revised drawing
          Peter Hartmann
            I have already made the frames, they are too short now. Could the problem be solved by making the rods for piston and valve shorter? Has anybody got an idea?
              Hi Peter,
              I too have made the frames and asked a simailar question of Jason somewhere on the footplate thread. The answer I recieved was scarey to say the least and included shortening the boiler among many other things.
              It’s a pain but I started marking out a new set of frames last night. The originals are destined for the ‘black museum’.
              Regards, Chris.
              David Clark 13
                Hi There
                You culd modify as you go but you would need to move the cylinders forward to clear the trailing wheels, shorten the firebox, maybe shorten other things.
                A competent model engineer could almost certainly do this but rather than risk introducing more errors, the decision was taken (very reluctantly) to tell readers to make new frames.
                regards David
                John Willman
                  My twelve year old son had just put the last rivet in thehorns when it was announced the frames were too short.As this represented a huge effort for his fist engine I could not ask him to start again.Making a new set  for him was rejected as it would no longer be his work,so Itried welding in a short section, and this seems to be successful. I am hoping the paint will hide it.
                        yours John
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