Hi Kevin,
David is better able to post his comments regarding your complaint. However, I will add my 2 penny worth
The production process for each issue of the magazine takes 6 weeks, and as the magazine is published fortnightly you can understand why “errors” are not updated in the next issue as a matter of course. Where issues do come to light, they are published as soon as is practicably possible.
Further, whilst the publisher wantsand needs to keep the readership informed, as well as happy, it is the contributor producing the article or design that holds the ultimate responsibility for errors ( assuming the magazine hasn’t made any themselves in reproducing the article ). Where the magazine makes a mistake, again it is published as soon as possible.
Another point you may not be aware of is that not all designs have been “proof tested” by people other than the designer at the time of publication. Even the best designs can have faults and drawing errors which do not come to light until people actually build one themselves.
Some drawings of designs are actually done after the fact, and sometimes as humans we also can’t see the wood for the trees … i.e. we are too close to see the errata.
Given the technology now available to readers in terms of the internet and forums such as this one people WILL become aware of issues before those that purely read the magazine, and as such gives people more chance to rectify issues earlier.
Perhaps those people who are members of clubs that use the forum could give thier fellow ( non internet ) members the info about errata …. I know in my club that when people start major projects there is considerable talk about it, and so I’m sure advanced warning would be welcome