North Wales Model Engineering Society


North Wales Model Engineering Society

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  • #200432
    Boiler Bri


      The steaming and public running season is rapidly running out and the clubs attention to getting phase three finished during the closed season is being ramped up. The members of the club who are organising the build are pressing on with laying of the hardcore and getting all the foundations in place, so that the concrete formers for the base can be laid.

      If you are in the area of West Shore at Llandudno, please call in and say hello. Public running takes place every Wednesday and Saturday between 12am – 4pm. There is no charge but donations are always welcome.

      It is well worth a visit just for the scenery alone.


      Edited By Boiler Bri on 15/08/2015 07:05:39

      Boiler Bri

        Phase three

        Boiler Bri

          This coming Saturday the north Wales model engineering society will be having their official opening day celebration

          If you are in the area of west shore pop along and see the trains running on the full circuit or possibly have a free ride

          Or just come along for the beautiful scenery.

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