Posted by Doubletop on 17/07/2017 21:12:34:
I wasn't asking you to do anything other than change a configuration setting on the system to enable editing of one’s own posts.
Then I thought about what you meant by 'its not practical', why some posts can be edited and others can't and when they change from one state to another. I'm guessing it’s about moderation, once a post has been moderated for content it then gets locked so the moderators don't need to go back to it. Otherwise, you'd have to re-moderate all the re-edited posts?
It’s up to you guys really. If you want the forum to be a long-term reference source you need to give people the chance to fix this problem for you.
In order to ensure a reference source, the long-term solution should be that the forums invest in their own storage capacity rather than expect everybody to trump up $399/year to some third party who may or not be in business in 20years time. Maybe you guys need to take the lead and start on the business case, owning your own capacity would be less risk and far more cost effective for everybody.
It's simpler than that, the only option I have would be to give people temporary moderator status.
Once I do that for one person, how can I refuse anyone else?
And how would other users react if they knew any member who asked could have the opportunity to change almost anything or explore all parts of the website?
A temporary change of edit status does not seem to be possible without major intervention, and as the website has been more or less behaving of late, I'm not going to ask for any system changes.