No Access


No Access

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  • #357072
    Raymond Sanderson 2

      I've spent since 7am trying to access ME & MEW through all 3 App's on both PC & Tablet with no luck. Can't  download latest issues all i get is white space no buttons work etc.

      I cannot even access the library's stored on either machine??

      This is similar to our woes when Pocketmags removed without warning digital app access last time, !!

      I can access forum archive tho.


      Anyone else suffering similar woes?.


      Edited By Raymond Sanderson 2 on 10/06/2018 01:30:53

      Raymond Sanderson 2
        Paul Lousick

          Me and MEW online archives working for me


          Edited By Paul Lousick on 10/06/2018 02:28:36


            Working fine for me too.

            I.M. OUTAHERE

              Nup all working fine for me , downloaded the larest mew via pocketmags yesterday .

              Only thing i can suggest is to shut everything down and re boot , sometimes the apps on my ipad play up so i reboot it and it seems to fix it .


                Seems fine on my desktop pc, just had a quick read thro' latest issue.


                Raymond Sanderson 2

                  Well 24hrs latter all good thanks gents.

                  Just so damn frustrating two machine 3 App's on tablet and one on PC none of which would show sings of life even after re-starting up to 4 times.

                  Ruined my Sunday morning ritual of breakfast in the QLD sun reading Fav mags online, so after morning tea headed into shed for the remained of the day.

                  Have a good week all.

                    Posted by Raymond Sanderson 2 on 10/06/2018 23:51:52:

                    Well 24hrs latter all good thanks gents.

                    Just so damn frustrating two machine 3 App's on tablet and one on PC none of which would show sings of life even after re-starting up to 4 times.

                    Next time try switching off and restarting your router as well.

                    As no-one else has had bother with the service, the issue probably lies between you and it. It's unlikely to be your Tablet or PC – two different machines with the exactly same fault suggest it's not them. Look for something else.

                    Routers also go wrong. For example, to speed things up, rather than asking the address of a web site every time you use it, they ask once and store the result locally for a period of time, perhaps several days. This is great unless the stored address gets corrupted, in which case the link stops working until the cache is refreshed. Faults that mysteriously correct themselves may be explained by the router automatically refreshing older addresses. You can force a complete refresh by switching off, leaving the unit for several minutes and then switching back on again.

                    Reasons routers get corrupted include: getting too hot, dirty power, intermittent or noisy phone line or cable, hardware fault, old-age, and even cosmic rays!

                    Less likely is corruption caused by a fault on the provider side but they do happen, and also have that mysterious 'fixed itself' quality.


                    Raymond Sanderson 2

                      Dave thats very interesting BUT I do not use a router.

                      What you are saying is that Pocketmags and the other two App's can not work unless a router is used??
                      As they all are supposed to be able to access your archive should you be off line which does not need a router but only uses your stored download and machine resources.


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