Thanks, everyone, I think you have now confirmed my view that it was the same sort of process as I witnessed with embrittlement of plated steel.
Incidentally, the major problem with chrome plating of motorcycle frames and similar outdoor structures, is that the plating will not cover anywhere which you cannot touch with a golf ball. That means that however good the standard of plating, there will be rust developing below the headstock, and between any of the frame structure where tubes meet at less than about 150 degrees. And of course, as this rust would develop in the guarantee period (*) the manufacturers and dealers were very keen to avoid it. Nickel on its own throws much better (that is the term for it) and so you could get away with it.
*At one stage it was suggested in the Service Dept that the N*rt*n Come & go guarantee should be changed to '500 yards or 5pm, whichever is the sooner'. Oh happy days of yore.
Regards, Tim
Edited By Tim Stevens on 05/09/2017 16:16:39