A few months ago i bought a vice, A three and a half inch vice with a reversable jaw,Which would then alow the vice to hold up to 7 inches,An impulse purchase,And it was in a pretty box with nice couloured pictures on it,It cost me £19-99, I brought it home and put it away as i was fairly busy at the time, I put it away in the workshop and almost forgot bout it,Rediscovered it a couple of days ago and thought i would have a good look at it,Imagine my dismay when i discovered it had polypropaline jaws,But as it turned out i decided this was not a bad thing as it would make the vice sympathetic to sensitive parts,The vice its self was quite heavy,(Cast grey metal it said on the box,) The screw was acme type and quite meaty its rotateable and quite veratile,I finished up liking it and thinking it was good value for the money Its made by Faithfull tools,( Im just a customer) i cant imagine i was the only one to buy one,Did you buy one?,And what do you think of it?I Think i might have bought it from Liddles,