After being told twenty two years ago that I would be taking five tablets a day for the rest of my life, the repeat prescription fiasco has to be performed every two months. Initially, one had to attend surgery and request prescription, later, ring a dedicated telephone line and now, thanks to Electronicknackery, on line. Problems arise, every twelve months, the computer says ‘NO’ and then we have to jump through hoops to get a ‘Clinician’ to press the ‘YES’ button.
Operation requires one to ring Surgery to request a Clinician to ring back and one request ‘Please press the go button.’ This is fine BUT when placed in a queue of “You are now number nineteen” and forty five minutes later to hear a human voice and ten quid on the telephone bill, ‘One’ doesn’t do this anymore, as leaning on the receptionist’s desk gives semi instant results.
Same operation to see a Doctor. No more ring to request an appointment in which a Doctor rings you back to ascertain if you NEED to see him/her. I’m not a hypochondriac (Despite above intro) or need a reassuring mind chat. When I NEED to see a Quack, I NEED to see one. The elbows on the desk never fails.
Regards Ian.