As the Peter Shaw from the other thread, I'm now coming back on this, more appropriate thread.
Unfortunately, over the years I have come across quite a number of incompetant people, both "doers" and "admin" types. I've also come across some very competant people in both categories, indeed in my early days I put in a travel claim only to get it rejected. On querying why, it turned out that it was actually HMRC rules I was breaking, and in all fairness to the admin type, she explained it very well. So yes, as a "doer" myself I have made mistakes.
But, in my current situation, the admin person who rejected my request for a parking permit was quite arrogant about it, and that I did not like. There really is no excuse for rudeness. In the second instance, it was the delay in starting treatment that I really did not like, the fact that she was also telling me that I had to travel excess miles was, if you like, the icing on the cake. When all said and done, it's my life, my longevity, they are dealing with. Of course, I do not know if her (in)action has caused my life to shorten, but there will always be that nagging thought now.
I must admit that the second lady above seemed very pleasant over the 'phone, indeed the vast majority do, but there will always be that nagging doubt about speed.
Martin Kyle,
Near the beginning of the Covid lockdown, I had some eye trouble and was asked to photograph both eyes and submit the photos by email to the surgery. Not exactly easy to photograph ones own eyes, but I managed it, and ended up on a suitable drug, can't remember what it was. Since then I have used that email system a few times. It works well, provided I can get a good steady photo of whatever it was – and that's not as easy as it sounds.
I've even had to photograph my feet and submit those photos to my podiatrist – non-NHS, but very, very good. But again, try holding you camera steady when pointing down at your feet – I don't find it easy, but at least with a digital camera I can try, try, and try again until I get a satisfactory photo without blurring and shake.
During the Covid thingy, I developed a rash on a rather personal part of my body. I lied to the receptionist, and when I finally managed to speak (telephone) to the GP, I explained why. The GP, female, was actually quite understanding about it. It turned out that in fact I was reacting against the ointment being used, it did actually work, but I needed to reduce the time I was exposed to it.
And with that, it's goodnight from me,
Peter G. Shaw