Hello everyone,
I'm afraid the MEW schedule is completely out of my control, the timings of the magazines are all inter-related so changing one affects others.
One reason for the delay was that lockdowns mean many people can't buy magazines at newsagents etc. this affects some titles and readers more than others but I understand the intent was to try and avoid titles being on the newstands in lockdown.
Some people did ask why we couldn't send issues out early. We are supposed to co-ordinate digital, newstand and mailed issues so they have the same publication date; for some reason the mailed issues went out a soimewhat earlier, than the digital, I don't know why but this does seem to have caused some upset for frustrated digital subscribers, for which I apologise.
The last nine months have been far from easy for magazines across the board, largely because over the counter sales have been hit hard for all printed magazines. This is especially true for magazines many of whose older readers may have been self-isolating, I know this is the case of MEW as I have been in contact with several such readers.
Anyone who keeps tabs on our titles will see that we have lost a few over the Covid crisis including Model Collector. We also lost Model Boats for the whole of June and July, a much bigger interruption than we had for MEW and ME.
It's not been an easy time for any of us, almost all aspects of preparing MEW have become more difficult, and the last issue was particularly challenging as our designer and his wife were hospitalised with Covid just as we were about to start work on the issue. Fortunately they have both recovered.
I'm not seeking sympathy – this is a very difficult time for everyone, but I do appreciate the patience and understanding of readers at what are very difficult and uncertain times for all of us.
Thank you for sticking with us, we are all doing our best, we will make mistakes from time to time, but if you contact us, we will do our best put things right.
P,S. Contact details (including mine) are linked at the bottom right of every page of this website and in every magazine, but for convenience. The only thing I ask is please contact customer support before me if you have a subscription problem, they have access to the subscription systems to solve most problems quickly.
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