Although not a Hobbymat user, the advice to fit and machine a backplate to suit a 4 jaw chuck is sound.
With a little care it can be done.
I think that backplates for Unimats are available , (Arc Euro offer 14 x 1 ones ). For a machine with the older 12 x1 thread, it will be necessary to bore out the 14 x 1, oversize, before making and fitting a 12 x 1 bush ("Heat and Freeze" technique ).
The backplate can then be fitted to the lathe to be faced and a register turned to suit the new 4 jaw.
(I have just machined and fitted a backplate, in this way, so that a very old lathe, (Possibly 1920s / 30s,with a 3/4 BSW thread ) can use a currently available 4 jaw chuck, for someone else ).