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  • #678361

      Hi, I’m at the start of my engineering hobby. I’m currently just setting up my newly acquired Myford S7b and will no doubt have many questions!


        Welcome aboard, ask away!



        David George 1

          Hi welcome to the forum. If you want any help ask away but any help can be more useful if you have a rough location ie what part of the country, and what you would like to make, as there are some local clubs and society which sometimes have larger machinery and boiler testers etc.


          Benedict White

            Hello and welcome! I would also recommend you find a local model engineering club to join. A great resource of information, access to tools and possibly a library.


              Hi chaps and thank you for the welcome and advice. I’m based in York so there’s bound to be a club around here somewhere! I haven’t touched a lathe since I was at school in the 70s so this is basically all new to me. As far as direction goes; I like the look of some of the Stuart and Hemingway models. I expect to turn a fair bit of stock into swarfe and scrap before getting onto one of those though.

              Howard Lewis


                By all means ask questions, there is a wealth of information available from users, past and present, of Myford lathes  (Not just S7b ) on here.

                But try to be as accurate and specific as possible. (If you use the wtong terminoloigy you might well get an answer to a question that you hadm’t asked, rather than the one that you thought you had!

                AND, information on other machines will be of help to you from time to time.

                Even more usefully, if possuble, find a local model enginerring club and join.  In this way you will get face to face help and advice, and possibly demonstrations.

                Saying where you are may well be a help, since if you have a problem, there may be someone nearby who can help, 1:1


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