New Viewer for MEW


New Viewer for MEW

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  • #71205
    Bob Murray
      Just tried the new viewer. I’m using XP and IE7 and it works fine; also test prints of pages with photos and with drawings look good. It doesn’t replace an issue in my hands, but it’ll do until my issue gets here!
      Bob Murray
        Paul Boscott
          I too think it’s an improvement Paul

          Edited By Paul Boscott on 02/07/2011 14:35:40



            I have been putting this new viewer through it’s paces, and certainly the quality is far better than before.

            When printing, it would be nice to be able to select a range of pages instead of all or nothing.

            The downside of the quality is of course large file sizes, and my poor little laptop crashed when trying to download the whole magazine. I tried doing 20 pages to dopdf, and it missed a page each time I tried. Whether that has anything to do with the pdf printer, or if it is a bug I don’t know.

            Can someone try with another pdf printer?

            It is certainly a big improvement though


            Leeds UK

              Hi Folks – re the ‘New Viewer for MEW’ appears to be a bit flaky.  I was going to ask where you got to download the new viewer.  But in the last few minutes I have reopened the digital volumes and find I now have access to printing multiple pages.  This was at 1630 hrs on the 2 July – had the old format at 16.00 hrs!
              OK so the new viewer only works on the latest issue (179). 
              Regards – Pat 

              Edited By Pat on 02/07/2011 16:43:01

              Edited By Pat on 02/07/2011 16:47:19

              John Stevenson 1
                Some observations.
                This on a brand new W7 machine with all the latest drivers.
                Firefox 5 crashes with an flash error every time when trying to do a pdf print of all pages.
                Explorer 9.0 works OK and saves the pdf at 12 meg, quality is readable but not as good as on screen.
                The quality difference is between the screen viewer and how it saves so that looks as if it’s down to computer settings.
                John S.
                  The new reader is certainly a huge improvement on the old one.
                  Just printed MEW179 to a PDF using PDF Creator and it has produced a very clear readable PDF in lightening quick time.
                  I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit on a 4Gb Asus notebook and running Firefox 5 with no issues at all.
                  DC1 – Can we have this as the default viewer for all the previous mags.
                  David Clark 13
                    Hi Coal burner
                    Yes, all the old editions will be changed but it will take time.
                    regards David
                      Excellent news David, the wait will be worth it
                        Hi David
                        Many thanks for getting the viewer sorted.
                        I know you have taken a lot of pressure over this but you have won. It is now first class and works well with Chrome and Bullzip pdf printer to save the files all on a small PC running Win 7 64 bit. No compatibility problems or fixes needed.
                        In a single word BRILLIANT.
                        Regards – Pat

                        Edited By Pat on 02/07/2011 21:18:38


                          Hi Graeme,

                          Did you have any missing pages?


                          Leeds UK

                            Hi Keithmart,
                            No, no missing pages.
                            John Stevenson 1
                              Can I ask one relevant and repentant question ?
                              Why do we have to bother with all this ?
                              After a few off list PM’s and emails it appears that it doesn’t work as well as expected.
                              Some on Firefox are Ok, others are not.
                              Same for IE9 and Chrome so it all looks computer dependant.
                              Now lets not beat about the bush here what is happening is that the mag is being saved as a pdf for future reading by the people who have paid for it – simples.
                              So why not cut the crap out and just put links up to the pdf files ?
                              They do exist, the printers need them and this way you are not paying licence or royalties on a reader software that may or may not work. So far MHS has bought / paid / rented / leased [ delete as required ] three different readers at a cost of £plonk.
                              John S.
                                Have I missed something here? Isn’t this just the same viewer with the additional feature of downloading as a pdf?
                                In the past it was possible (if you were lucky) to print all the pages, that feature disappeared and only the ability to print single pages retained. Now some issues have an extra option to open the .pdf. If I’m not mistaken, in the past weeks, even that appeared briefly then dissappeared to re-appear .
                                Or have I missed something?
                                Tony Jeffree
                                  Posted by David Clark 1 on 02/07/2011 18:44:42:

                                  Hi Coal burner
                                  Yes, all the old editions will be changed but it will take time.
                                  regards David
                                  That’s great – thanks.
                                  Tony Jeffree
                                    Posted by John Stevenson on 02/07/2011 17:05:36:

                                    Some observations.
                                    This on a brand new W7 machine with all the latest drivers.
                                    Firefox 5 crashes with an flash error every time when trying to do a pdf print of all pages.
                                    Explorer 9.0 works OK and saves the pdf at 12 meg, quality is readable but not as good as on screen.
                                    The quality difference is between the screen viewer and how it saves so that looks as if it’s down to computer settings.
                                    John S.
                                    Same issues with Firefox; IE9 couldn’t even launch the viewer on my system, so something odd going on. Finally managed to get it working and printing on Google Chrome, uzing Bullzip PDF writer, but took ages and the final file size was about 57 megs. Will try it again using Chrome/Adobe Acrobat to see if it is any better.


                                      Could it be that the Adobe Flash thingy needs updating on some systems?
                                      I know it doesn’t work correctly on 64 bit systems though.
                                      Tony Jeffree
                                        Posted by John Stevenson on 03/07/2011 10:38:47:

                                        So why not cut the crap out and just put links up to the pdf files ?

                                        John S.
                                        Sounds like sense to me.


                                        Tony Jeffree
                                          Posted by blowlamp on 03/07/2011 11:42:16:

                                          Could it be that the Adobe Flash thingy needs updating on some systems?
                                          I know it doesn’t work correctly on 64 bit systems though.
                                          My Adobe Flash is up to date, so I don’t think it is that in my case – also, am using the 32-bit version of IE.


                                          Tony Jeffree
                                            Posted by Tony Jeffree on 03/07/2011 11:41:27:

                                            Posted by John Stevenson on 02/07/2011 17:05:36:

                                            Some observations.
                                            This on a brand new W7 machine with all the latest drivers.
                                            Firefox 5 crashes with an flash error every time when trying to do a pdf print of all pages.
                                            Explorer 9.0 works OK and saves the pdf at 12 meg, quality is readable but not as good as on screen.
                                            The quality difference is between the screen viewer and how it saves so that looks as if it’s down to computer settings.
                                            John S.
                                            Same issues with Firefox; IE9 couldn’t even launch the viewer on my system, so something odd going on. Finally managed to get it working and printing on Google Chrome, uzing Bullzip PDF writer, but took ages and the final file size was about 57 megs. Will try it again using Chrome/Adobe Acrobat to see if it is any better.


                                            Actually it was Opera rather than Chrome…
                                            Just tried again using Opera/Adobe PDF writer and produced a 22Meg file of indistibguishable quality from the larger one. It was also noticeably quicker this time.
                                              Hi All
                                              A question – is this “new” viewer just for new issues of MEW?
                                              I don’t at present subscribe to the digital issues but, following this thread posting, have looked at the trial version. The print from this is, frankly, rubbish. The trial issue is 133 from Dec 2007 and my trial print is of an adapter for an autolock collet chuck. The text is blurred and the drawings even worse. If you have all been putting up with this then I’m surprised that there are any digital subscribers! If on the other hand the quality has improved with the new viewer then I will need to see the result before I consider subscribing. The attraction of saving paper and space is strong but I must be able to print out the bits I need to take to the workshop and those prints must be of good quality.
                                              John Stevenson 1
                                                Well doing some more tests.
                                                Can’t use firefox, crashes every time with a flash error.
                                                Went back to IE9 and used Bullzip instead of PDF Creator and get this.

                                                68 blank pages.
                                                Went back to PDF Creator and get the same so at the moment I can’t save the whole to pdf.
                                                Frankly this whole exercise is getting silly. MHS is offering a paid service that many can’t either access or get workable quality goods.
                                                John S.

                                                David Clark 13
                                                  Hi There
                                                  I have never had a problem with access.
                                                  However, some of the browsers don’t appear to be written correctly.
                                                  That can hardly be our fault.
                                                  regards David
                                                  John Stevenson 1
                                                    Sorry David I didn’t realise that MHS had a browser especially written for them.
                                                    Us mere mortals have to use what is supplied.
                                                    John S.
                                                    John Stevenson 1
                                                      To add to this I have had some emails with users who are having problems and some of these people are very, very computer savvy and even these people are having problems.
                                                      When Firefox or IE can read 99% of all web pages but barf on one application for some but not others it makes you wonder what the common denominator is ??
                                                      John S.
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