There are a number of Mag’s that now publish the Mag. online, you download a reader onto your computer and they send the subscription on a monthly basis.
It is a good idea and it is of very good quality for both the picture quality and the readability aspect.
I think this sort of thing would be very good for overseas readers as it would cost them less and it would get them their monthly copy quickly.
I think the only downside might be the copying and printing of certain pages that you might want to copy or print for use in the workshop.
And I believe that their has to be some sort of protection for the publisher otherwise sales would drop and copies of the Mag. would be flooding the net with few subscribers.
There might also be some merit in a subscription annual system where you have access to a archive and the capability of downloading back copies lets say 1 or 2 years prior this is limited to so many copies depending on your annual subscription. i.e. you could pay a subscription annually that allows a download of 12 copies per year or multiples depending on the archive subscription you choose.
This would allow me to clear out my loft my wardrobes and cupboards and save a marriage.
What about for long term subscribers giving them access to download these best of editions now and again or wall charts that sort of thing?
Or what about your onsite partners getting involved by providing a code number to use when ordering tools etc. that entitles the long term subscription reader to inviting discounts.
Back to you Dave.