Hi – I cant remember what grade of steel I used, but I am sure that it wasnt anything special. I did do my research and basic mild steel (I forget the spec – there are alot) is fine for this application, plenty strong enough!
I costed the whole thing at about £310. This was including £60 for a professional NTD cert. I didnh have to pay for the Tube as I have a friend who sells the stuff, and sorry but I can not pass his details on to you unless you want to buy £1000 of it!
It was a basic 150amp machinemart mig, but to be honest it was at its limit, only just going into spray. Im planning a 71/4 for Invicta so might try to source a better mig. Point to note is that you need to be very experienced to produce a good weld. The reassuring thing is that if you are anything less than up to the job it will simply leak like a sieve!
I will be happy to make the plans availible, if I can find them!
No doubt the armchair pundits will moan, complain and tell me that they are not correct……..