iTS FINALLY OVER!! I went into the workshop at 8 this morning abd came out nearly 12 hours later – 5 cups of water has kept me going all day! Ive silver soldered the tubes in today, but to be super sure of a good joint in the firebox I separated the firebox section of boiler from the main boiler tube, that way I could get at both sides of the joint. Managed to slightly burn a tube but nothing major. I then soldered the tubes into the end plate before weldint the lot back together – propper hot root run followed by a hot fill and cap run. I will need the joint testing and certifying but its a small price to pay considering I was quoted £2500 for a copper boiler with a two year waiting list. Ive had it up to 170psi with the odd weep around the bust plugs, just needs a bit of ptfe tape to sort. Going to get it to 200psi tomorrow, then weld cert and finally to the inspecter. Costs are: Plate £50, Tubes £60, silv solder £22, allow £20 for various gasses and wire, £60 for the weld test and cert and probably another £50 for 'stuff', and you can see It still cost under £300 all in. If I were to make another there would be so many things id do differently, ive learned a lot on this project.