Big, big +1 for what Jason says about the advantages of a CNC machine when you need to make large holes and do similar jobs that need (relatively) large tooling on a manual mill.
If you don't already have significant manual machine skills I'd advise skipping the idea of starting manual then converting to CNC. Just go direct to CNC.
The manual and CNC mindsets are very different. Much more so if you are proficient in 3D design.
Vastly oversimplifying. In manual machining you think in terms of tool size and build up from 2D plans. In CNC you think in terms of tool paths and 3D. Different world especially when working 12 inches to the foot scale on a smaller machine with restricted workspace.
CNC can squeeze jobs onto a smaller machine that would be essentially impossibly large to do manually. There is a reason why manual home workshop folk like me who work in primarily full size end up with a Bridgeport once we have a workshop big enough to fit it in!
Best to go for a "just works" machine.
Save up for a bit longer if need be.
Even today, when off the shelf "stuff" is far easier to get than in days of yore, converting a machine to CNC and getting it sorted is almost a hobby in itself. Sort of "this year I will build the machine, next year I'll learn to drive it and de-bug it" thing. Two years down the line you can start learning to use it for what you want to do.
Its annoying to discover mid-job that the machine isn't able to do what you think it ought to. With the best will in the world a neophyte is unlikely to be able to fully de-bug a home converted machine. At the affordable end even factory build or professionally marketed conversions have lots of gremlins and gotchas hiding at the outer ends of their working envelopes. Hopefully documented so you don't get bitten by expecting too much of the machine in the wrong places.
Not just us. Even the professionals with a million quids worth of Hemle on the floor complain. As for Haas, which are quite good really, you'd best turn your hearing aid off if you wander into moan space.
Edited By Clive Foster on 13/10/2022 10:05:54