New MEW Digital archive – access?


New MEW Digital archive – access?

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    Kenny Hurn
      Hi all,
      I’ve just subscribed to digital back copies. I can’t read the things, either to small as loaded or if I click to magnify everything is out of focus. Anybody else getting this problem? Is there a fix?
      Regards Kenny
        Hi Kenny,
        Once you zoom in on a page, it should re-load after a few seconds and become a lot clearer.  Sometimes this takes up to seconds in my experience.
        Kenny Hurn
          Hi Anthony,
          Thanks for your reply. I have just tried again, it does come into focus eventually, but it’s like going back to dial up speed, maybe there are a lot of members on line this morning.
          Thanx again.
          David Clark 13
            Hi There
            1 and 2 would be for anyone, 3 and 4 subscribers only.
            Don’t forget they drop of the list and you need to search for them.
            regards david
            Peter E
              There was supposed to be some example documents to view without having to subscribe. Where are they?
              I can see two out of four documents having issue beneath the images but these are not the oldest ones.
              File problem here as well?
              Best Regards
              Gone Away
                Hi David,
                Well the WOME parts 1 & 2 are back again for me today – right next to 3 & 4 in each case, no need to go to subsequent pages. Weird.
                I’m curious …. is all this stuff on a single server or are there multiple servers involved (which might explain some of the weird happenings).

                Edited By Sid Herbage on 26/12/2009 23:30:17

                David Clark 13
                  Hi There
                  Digital issue 3 was sample but have stopped that as it may be affecting access to rest of digital issues.
                  Will go and put issue 9 as free issue.
                  If people have problems seeing issue 9 onwards but can see earlier issues, then that may be the cause.
                  regards David
                  Gone Away

                    I’m not sure exactly what that means, David but I can tell you that nothing has changed for my access to the MEW digital issues. I can still only access the first two pages (Issue-122 onwards).

                      Hi David,
                      Does the digital subscription include both MEW and ME.
                      Are you planning to put all of ME up on digital, not if, how far back are you planning to go.
                      Fred Miller
                        This Must be a big party, I,ve made my 2nd year subscription and still cannot get into the
                        standard back issue section, Even with several e-mails and attempts through the subs
                        department !!   I hate to think what would happen if I tried the Digital, I think I will hold on
                        to my money for that one.       Aussie  Fred.
                        Fred Miller
                          I  forgot to mention in my previous thread, my subsciption is to MEW only. and somehow I have got two subs numbers.  Aussie Fred
                          David Clark 13
                            Hi There
                            The missing pages should only be adverts.
                            regards David
                            Gone Away
                              Hi David,
                               Re my access to the MEW digital archive which cut off after two days as discussed above.
                              Well access wasn’t restored, as hoped,  after the Christmas/New-Year break but a day or two ago, I received a letter by snail-mail (!) informing me that my credit card charge for the digital subscription didn’t go through. Since there’s no other reason for that, I must have had a senior moment and entered the info incorrectly (or someone else somewhere down the line erred in copying it). I presume this is the (understandable) reason for pulling my access.
                              In any event, I responded to and repeated my details but given your comment elsewhere that one girl is handling 40,000 subscriptions it could take quite a while, particularly if one or two email iterations are needed (even more so if they insist on communicating by snail-mail).
                              I think now that I would have been better off if I had just let that subscription attempt die and made a new attempt on line, being extra careful with the data and/or using an alternative credit card. I’m afraid to do that now (after responding) because of the obvious risk of ending up with two subscriptions for the same thing.
                               Is there some way the first subscription could be reliably “killed” so I could make a second attempt? Or, although I’m in Canada, I’m willing to make a phone call to try to sort the mess if you can give me a direct number to call that won’t involve me in a long menu system or being placed on hold.
                              Incidentally, for the information of anyone else whom it might trip up, the reason I was contacted on this by snail mail was that I got so fed-up with the pre-xmas, daily multiple email sales-pitches that I went in and turned them off in my profile. This apparently had the effect of turning off ALL email (not just the spam) including such obviously desirable communications as a subscription problem.

                              Edited By David Clark 1 on 23/01/2010 12:44:28

                              Loc Nguyen
                                Right after I subscribed to the digital archive, I emailed customer service to ask if it was possible to change from MEW to ME. (But from what I read in this thread, digital ME is not even yet available) Anyhow, I got  an email from customer service saying that my request was forwarded to the another department. Since then, I havent heard back from them and now, I cant even get the MEW archive… When I click on back issues, I get the message that I need to subscribe to view that section.. 
                                the number I received after subscribing seems to no longer work. 

                                Fred Miller
                                  Hi. Sid.   I had the same problem with my 2nd year Standard MEW subscription!             E-mailed it in 06/12/09, got a e-mail to confirm, same day.  On the 06/01/10 got a snail mail which took 19 days to get here by air-mail. It also said that my credit card payment was returned unpaid, and to reply within 5days which is hard to do when its in the air !!
                                  I checked with the card company and they had no idea why ? Subs. also said they did not have my e-mail address but they had sent the e-mail 06/12/09 and I have e-mailed them several times in regard to not being able to get into ” back issues ” on this web. (See thread  28/12/09). I see your in Canada, and I’m in Australia, maybe us O/S
                                  are to difficult to process.     Fred Miller on 08/01/2010.       
                                  David Clark 13
                                    Hi There
                                    I will rephrase that slightly.
                                    One girl is handling 40,000 subscriptions but the actual management of subscriptions is by a third party company.
                                    The girl handles problems, not the day to day running of subscriptions.
                                    As administrator. I get access to digital subscriptions so it can be difficult to sort problems as the issues are always available to me.
                                    I subscribed to the digital subcriptions but changed the card date slightly.
                                    This was to see how easy it was to subscribe and it was easy.
                                    I got a letter which was very poor, no letter heading saying who it was from, no contact information etc.
                                    This has been sorted and letters should be accurate.
                                    We do sort problems out as soon as we find out about them but really we need somone to check everything is correct before it goes ‘live’.
                                    regards David
                                         “but really we need somone to check everything is correct before it goes ‘live’.”
                                        Sadly David this applies to the whole site, not only the subscription issues. I REALLY feel for you on this one as you seem to be having to firefight at every outlet.
                                         Hope the powers are paying you at least £200,000 a year for this.
                                        Regards Ian.
                                      Gone Away
                                        I got a letter which was very poor, no letter heading saying who it was from, no contact information etc.

                                        This has been sorted and letters should be accurate.

                                         Hi David,
                                        I was going to mention that in my post but thought it might seem churlish on top of the other stuff. I gather  they send these notices by snail mail by default. That really is a problem for overseas subscribers – making a long process much longer.
                                        Right now I’m in complete limbo as regards the digital subscription. I’ve had no access since, I believe Dec 22; I waited until Jan-4 believing it would be fixed then but got the letter instead. Now it will take goodness knows how long to fix. Meantime, I’m afraid to short-circuit the process by re-subscribing for fear of ending up with a double subscription.
                                        It would be nice to know whether I really did make a misteak with the data entry or whether it’s a screw-up with the process as it appears that I’m not the only one this has happened to. I could believe anything right now.
                                        Hopefully it’ll get fixed sometime and and also hopefully you have no plans to remove the digital issues from the website anytime soon.
                                         Oh well – back to waiting for the hard copies to arrive …..
                                        David Clark 13
                                          Hi Sid
                                          No plans to remove the digital issues.
                                          Plans are in hand to redo them.
                                          This will start from issue 121 donwards  and issue 1 upwards.
                                          We reckon to do about 4 issues per working day but it will be to a certain extent between the people concerned doing other things.
                                          Perhaps 15 per week is acheivable.
                                          Let us see how we get on.
                                          regards David
                                            It seems that MEW issue 113 onwards were produced from the print versions electronically, rather than being scanned.  They don’t appear to have any pages missing, and have good quality images.
                                            IMO, only issue 112 and earlier need rescanning – that saves a little work…!

                                              Hi David

                                              Can we be told which ones have been done and which were ok?


                                              Leeds UK

                                              David Clark 13
                                                Hi There
                                                I am told that the following have been corrected.
                                                Any missing pages are adverts.
                                                My internet connection is too slow to check them but no doubt I will be told if there are any errors.
                                                regards David
                                                Chris Banninger
                                                  I subscribed to the digital archive. Got an email back “subscription confirmation” like below. If I click on the link, I get this reply from your webpage: 
                                                  Signup Complete
                                                  Sorry, there was a problem with your Referrer. Please contact
                                                  Customer Services.
                                                  I cannot access the digital archive except for the two pages I did see befor as a normal MEW subscriber only.
                                                  No reply from my enquiry to customer services either. Do I now really have to wait for a subscription number by mail from GB to Australia? And will it then work?
                                                  Subject: MODEL ENGINEERS WORKSHOP DIGITAL ARCHIVE Subscription Confirmation
                                                  Thank you for your subscription to the Model Engineers’ Workshop Digital Archive.

                                                  In order to access your subscription, you need to register for a free member account
                                                  here or login to your existing account. You will then need to enter your subscription number in the appropriate box in the ‘My Details’ section of your profile and save this before clicking on the ‘Back Issues’ link in the left hand menu. Here you will find issues of Model Engineers’ Workshop between 1990 and 2007!

                                                  We hope you enjoy your subscription.

                                                  YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NUMBER: To be advised by post.

                                                  Service:MODEL ENGINEERS WORKSHOP DIGITAL ARCHIVE

                                                  YOUR NAME & ADDRESS:

                                                  Payment: Visa £29.00


                                                  Edited By David Clark 1 on 23/01/2010 12:41:38

                                                  Edited By David Clark 1 on 23/01/2010 12:46:01

                                                  Edited By David Clark 1 on 23/01/2010 14:18:38

                                                    Another pecularity on this site is that on this page I am getting the right hand advert column overwriting part of the posted text which make things dreadfully hard to follow.

                                                    Edited By Bamber on 23/01/2010 12:23:31

                                                    David Clark 13
                                                      Hi There
                                                      Normally this is a long link but I can’t find this on this thread.
                                                      I will get it checked.
                                                      regards David
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