Hi All,
only thought about an online pr4escence after looking through some old Model Engineers Workshop magazines I've had in storage for a number of years.
I was a subscriber from issue 12 (Aug/Sept 1992) for a few years (1996)
Looking through the old magazines I realised there are many articles and projects I never even got to look at back in the day, reading 25+ year old letters pages was only slightly weird, some were still relevant today though
Was working crazy hours and realised I didn't have any free time so let subscription lapse.(did a few 21 ~22 hr days, almost killed me!)
Sold my Colchester lathe and moved to USA in 1999.
No machines for several years then ended up with a 7×10 mini lathe which I treated as a toy for a long time but it allowed me to make a few things.
Anyway, enough of the intro, I'm sure I'll be posting in the forums soon enough if I have anything relevant to say (or, more likely irrelevant and opinionated)