Hi my I am Tony Drake and I am a armourer mostly but also do a lot of metal work and restoration. I trained in the shipyards and coal mines ( great career moves ) but they have gave me a love of working and making things in metal. I must admit I am not a model engineer but I love anything that runs on coal. I have read through some of the post and you have some very knowledgeable and excellent craftsman amongst yourselves. I myself use a lot of raw materials in my work and hope that if I need a special piece of material some one can put me in the right direction, I myself might be able to help with ideas to how to get round problems which was one of the elements I was trained to do with the work I do. I would post some photos of my work but need to work out how to do it first, so I will link a thread on a Craticvla I made,
Thanks everyone I have found the album bit so I have put a few up, I have been doing this for a few decades now and have lost count of the swords I have made without all the other items, I also fix a lot of fittings for obsolete items. I don't cast anything so have to make from a block of material. I do have a steam engine enquiry but will post separate.
Fullum sword I made a few years ago from finds London and Europe
Buckle and plate origonal British museum.
And finally a protective sheath for a Dololbra otherwise a pick axe.
Will post when I have taken a few photos of my steam engine to restore
Thanks Dave I will share things I make, I have a busy year ahead of me, I am into ancient engineering along with my blacksmithing kit I have just finished my carpenters kit, just a plane to make to finish. I have also worked on torsion artillary with full size replicas that fully work, range 3rd of a mile not bad for something without bang and a force of a small car hitting you.