“New” member in Cheshire


“New” member in Cheshire

Home Forums Introduce Yourself – New members start here! “New” member in Cheshire

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  • #729903
    Stuart Ord

      I’m renewing my life-long interest in model engineering. I started some 58 years ago at school, but it’s been a background hobby until recently, life was too busy for more hobbies when I was working. But things change, and I’m in the process of buying a 4″ Samson traction engine. My building ambitions are smaller. I’ve made oscillating engines, two model aero engines, a Stuart D10 (I’m still trying to figure out how the reversing gear should work…) and I’m finishing a hypercyloidal engine.

      Seems like I’ve been here before – I tried to register and was told the site already knew my email address! Memory does improve so much with age. 🙁  Anyway, a changed password fixed that.

      Once the Samson is working I’m planning to buy a loco probably, but one step at a time.

      I’m joining South Cheshire Model Engineering Society (Nantwich) – a great set of chaps with a nice track and facilities. Even though I prefer traction engines.

      Howard Lewis


        Glad that you are already involved in model making.

        Also glad that you have found a local Society and joined.



        noel shelley

          Welcome to the party Stuart, if you have any questions then just ask there’s bound to someone on here who will be able to answer for you. I have a D10 with reversing gear in arms reach, what is it you need to know ? Noel.

          Harry Wilkes

            Welcome back


            Stuart Ord

              Thanks, all.

              Noel, thanks for your offer of help. I bought the reversing gear kit when I bought the rest of the D10 at a Model Engineer exhibition, and I can’t say the instructions were very helpful for either. I bought a book describing the construction of the engine, which was good. I don’t think it helped with the reversing gear, but I need to track it down and look. I just remember that when I took all the parts out it seemed like an impossible jigsaw puzzle. Now I’ve learned more about slide valve steam engines in general, I guess I’ve got a better chance of figuring it out. I’ll find the book and see where it leads me. We will be away from home for 10 days from tomorrow, so it will be after that. If I get stuck, I’ll let you know.

              My school oscillating engines were steamed, but the D10 has only run on air as I don’t have a boiler. However I’m making some progress in acquiring a suitable boiler and will then be able to overhaul the old engines and run them all incluing the newer two when the Murray engine is complete. I’m looking forwards to that, it’s a real whacky design! I like the unusual.

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