Hello all, I'm Andy, and I'm part of the Stirling Aircraft Project. This project, whilst not model engineering (!) shares some of the characteristics of model engineering. The members are all volunteers, and are involved in the fabrication or procurement of parts to rebuild the forward fuselage section of a WW2 Short Stirling bomber, which was the first RAF four-engined heavy bomber. It was succeeded in 1941 by the Avro Lancaster and HP Halifax bombers which bore the brunt of the bombing campaign after that date. Stirlings were moved into transport, glider tow and diversion tactics after 1941. There are NO surviving Stirling bombers and the ultimate aim of this project is to recreate a replica using as many original parts as possible. Assuming of course we can't find a sunken complete aircraft, which is looking progressively unlikely!!!
I am interesting in acquiring some machinery for the project, and also hoping I can find some volunteer engineers from your community to help with making small parts for the aircraft. These are generally aluminium, so are relatively easy to machine, and are usually either cast, or machined out of duralumin.
Anyone who would be willing to help recreate this aircraft – please contact me! We have already have parts made for us by the Bedford Model Engineering Society, and would like to find others who might be able to help.
Volunteers please!
Thanks, Andy