The man who never made a mistake, never made anything.
My wife used ti have a cookery book by Monica Dickens. Most of it seemed to feature how she had turned a disaster into a eatable dish!
There is law Newton's 4 th Law, Ther law of the Eternal Cusedness of things, my Physics Master said, sometimes attributed to either Murphy or mSod.
This means that the tap always breaks in the last hole, during the final ,operation.
If yo feel,unsure about things, take a revision course, buy the books written by L H Sparey, Ian Bradley, harold hall Tubal Cain etc.
Definitely get a set of Zeus charts the data contained is invaluable. My 1958 edition is still inn regular use
It is a bit like riding a bike, you never forget completely.
Happy Times ahead, and great satisfaction. (You will be able to fix the unmendable. "Can you just?" is not the ten minute job the requestor thinks, but possibly 10 hours of your time. But when you have repaired what he was told was beyond help!