Hi All, Steve, living just nortth of Dublin in Ireland, a long time lurker, but it's time to start getting sensibly involved with using some of the kit I have here.
Interests are mainly garden railway (SM32), but I've done a few other things over the years. I started with engineering a long time ago, repairing things like adding machines, calculators and accounting machines, then computerisation came along, and I had to expand into electronic systems, which in the early days were still very much mechanical keyboards and printers, and that progressed into things like matrix printers and the like. Eventually, I moved into more of the software side of things, but never really got away from repair and maintenance work. Part time, I also spent a lot of time doing vehicle maintenance,
So, the (double garage ) workshop at present has a wide range of hand and power tools, and then a Myford ML7, a passable pillar drill, a decent Mig welder, Oxy Propane welding and cutting, and a plasma cutter.
I've come to the conclusion that to do what I want to do going forward, I will need some sort of mill, and deciding which way to go is going to be challenging, in that there's not much surplus machinery here in Ireland, and bringing things over from the UK has now become much more complex and expensive as a result of Brexit,
I'm almost retired, age wise I should have retired a few years ago, and there were things to do, but Covid has made me stop and think what I want to achieve with the time I have left. In some respects crazy. I've a hankering to build an SM32 (16mm) model of a Beyer Garrett NGG16, which will be a big model, even on O gauge, and to do a sensible job of that will need the accuracy of a mill to get the holes in the right places on multiple plates, and I don't fancy trying to do some of the things I will need on the Myford, I think I will be better to get a mill than spend a lot of money on extras for the lathe.
I don't have a garden railway track right now, I have the track, a Roundhouse Fowler and some much modified Mamod locomotives, and a selection of rolling stock, but there's a massive flood relief scheme going through (literally) our garden at the moment, so where I want to put the railway is a construction site at the moment, the frustration being that the flood relief scheme was meant to be started and finished in 2016, and if we are lucky, and there's no more delays, it will be the end of the year before the civll works are complete, and we've then to get the garden back into some sort of state of order..
So, that's me and my background,we'll see where this goes